It is not God’s will for you to live under stress. This is not God’s best for our lives. Thankfully the Bible gives us ways to minimize stress in our lives. Here are 3 biblical principals you can use to deal with stress.
1. Refuse to doubt God’s word.
God has given us precious promises that we can stand on in times of difficulty. The Bible says that heaven and Earth may pass away, but not one detail of his Word will disappear until its purpose is achieved (Matthew 5:18). God promises to watch over his Word to be sure that it is performed in your life.
“And the LORD said, “That’s right, and it means that I am watching, and I will certainly carry out all my plans.” ”
2. Be careful what you think and speak.
The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34b). Repent of anything you are holding in your heart that doesn’t line up with God’s Word. Fill your heart with the Word of God in abundance, so that his words are what come out of your mouth automatically when you are under pressure.
3. Learn to rest.
The Bible says that we labor to enter into rest (Hebrews 4:11). It takes great faith to place things in God’s hands and leave them there. He has promised to work all things together for your good. Learn to rest in that promise and let him perform his Word in your life.