Resurrection Sunday
April 17, 2022 at 11 AM
There will be a Resurrection Egg Hunt Right After Church
April 17, 2022 at 11 AM
There will be a Resurrection Egg Hunt Right After Church
Before You Go To Bed
Saturday March 12th
Set Your Clocks Ahead One Hour
We are encouraging everyone to prepare an offering to bless
Donald and Michelle Black
As a church by Sunday, March 6
So we can present them as a gift together Sunday, March 13, 2022
As We Celebrate The Blessing Of Their New Home
Sunday, February 27, 2022
We will be giving out Lent bags.
Everyone is encouraged to do without blessings during lent
and place the money in your bag as part of your World Missions Offering on Resurrections Sunday
We will be receiving a World Missions Offering
on Resurrection Sunday, April 17, 2022.
Please begin now to pray and prepare your offering.
Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 11 am, Mike and Dee Fish will minister a healing service at the Upper Room. Please invite all of your family and friends and everyone who needs a miracle to join us that day. We will have a covered dish dinner immediately following service for a great meal and a wonderful time of fellowship downstairs!
Evangelist Mike and Dee Fish will be holding a Healing School February 7-12 at 6:30 pm nightly at Homewood Suites, Ballantyne, 12030 Copper Way, Charlotte, NC 28277. If you need a miracle or know of someone who does please get them in these services. Come expecting a miracle!!!
Winter Jam will be February 6, 2022 at Bo Jangles Coliseum and you are invited to go with us! Call Pastor Ron @ 980-721-7480 for more details!
On January 30, 2022 at 11 am Minister Minnie Morrison of Blessed To Be A Blessing Ministries will be sharing a word God has given to her about this new year for all of us. Please invite family and friends to join us for this special service.
All of our Freedom Ministries churches will meet at the Upper Room at 5 PM, October 3, 2020 for our annual meeting. Please join us!
Please join us at the Upper Room - 8409 Regent Parkway, Fort Mill, SC 29715, Saturday, September 26, 2020 for a National Day of Prayer and Repentance. We will be open for prayer from 9 am - 5 PM and prayer ministers will be here all day.
We will be live streaming "The Return" from Washington DC all day.
Millions will be joining us nationwide that day, praying and repenting for our nation before the Lord! America needs healing and we can make a difference together.
II Chronicles 7:14 says: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
You may practice social distancing and wear masks if you like. Hand sanitizer, Lysol and disinfectant wipes will be provided so you can stay safe.
If you are unable to join us you can view the day live stream at: https://upperroomchapel.com/live-camera
To find out more about The Return please watch this video: https://youtu.be/cn9wlzsFKzc
Sunday April 21, 2019 we will celebrating The Resurrection!
Family pictures will be taken of all who desire them!
Immediately following the service our children will be having a Resurrection Egg Hunt!
Please join us!
Sunday, March 31, 2019 11 am
Sunday April 7, 2019 at 11 am
We will be viewing and advanced showing of Pilgrim Progress!
Children and adults will love this movie!
Pastor Ron is the guest speaker on The Jim Bakker Show on Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 11 am.
You can view it also in their archives after the initial showing at https://jimbakkershow.com/
Our Teens invite the entire family to join us for Winter Jam, 2019. January 20, 2019. We will meet at the HOPE Campus, 3525 Centre Circle, Fort Mill, SC at 3:30 PM. We will ride the light rail to the concert together. Please see Pastor so we can be sure there is plenty of transportation.
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Your invited to join us for “The Heart Of Christmas”
In this live musical, theatrical production from
Charis Bible College, Woodland Park, Colorado
you'll discover the true reason for the Christmas season!
Part 1 will be shown at 11 am, December 23, 2018 and
Part 2 will be shown at 11 am, December 30, 2018
Please join us as we celebrate Christ’s birth!
Due to snow and ice in the Fort Mill and Charlotte area, we will not have Sunday service together this morning at the Upper Room Chapel. However, please join us on Facebook for a special snow day service together!
We will be having our first ever Facebook Live service at 11 AM. (Don’t worry, if you miss the live version we will post a replay on the FCC Fort Mill Facebook page.
Here is the link:
Please join us, share the link, and share the video or the replay with your friends on Facebook!
Teens - Sunday, December 2, 2018 we will meet at the HOPE Campus, 3525 Centre Circle, Fort Mill, SC at 5:00 PM to go see the Christmas Lights at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Please see Pastor so we can be sure we have plenty of transportation.
Discipleship Training Institute
Course Completion Certificates
CONTACT Pastor Ron for details.
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