We believe God has called this congregation to provide a loving and restoring atmosphere where all the hurting of our world can come in and find a place of shelter and safety. It is to be a place where they can receive the love and unfailing support they will need to become the man, woman or young
person God would have them to be. 

Through the power of God we will seek to provide an atmosphere where miracles of salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, deliverance and restoration are a common occurrence.

We know that the hurting will not come to us but that we must go out and bring them in. Jesus said in Luke 11:23 “Go out into the highways and along the hedges and compel them to come in that My house may be filled.”

We feel constrained by the Holy Spirit to go out quickly and compel them to come in for the coming of our Lord is near at hand and our time for winning souls will soon be over. We believe the harvest field of men’s souls is white unto harvest and that we must go out as laborers into that field and bring them in before it is eternally too late. God is calling together an army of men and women who
will help fulfill this great charge.

Our purpose as a congregation is that we might stand together in the unity of faith, praying for one another, and encouraging one another; Also that we might be a worship center of restoration, safety and shelter for all who need the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.