
Is It Always God's Will to Heal?

Dear Friends and Members,

I preached a message entitled "Is It Always Gods Will To Heal". It was a very anointed message that can literally save your life, your loved ones lives or those you care about. You can find it at I want to encourage you to listen to it, takes notes and send me a summary of what I preached.

This past Sunday I preached a message entitled; "Is It Always God's Will To Heal Revisited?. You can find it on our church web site at I shared additional truths God has taught me since that original message that will literally teach you how to walk in divine health. I want to encourage you to take notes and send me a summary of what I ministered.

These 2 messages are teachings that you need to get deep down on the inside of you.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

God Bless You,

Pastor Ron Lambright

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