
Have You Found Your Destiny?

Have You Found Your Destiny?

God has called us, Freedom Christian Center of Fort Mill, to build a House of Unconditional Love at the Upper Room. Just as the Marines are looking for a few good men we are looking for those who have a tremendous love for the lost.

Our world needs revival like never before. We are looking for Intercessors who who will become desperate enough to answer the call of Ezekiel and stand in the gap. Fasting and prayer will precipitate the latter rain that will fall upon the earth. Will you answer that call?

God will never call us to do something small and safe-we don't need God for that. Come worship with us on Sunday mornings at 11 am see if God would have you be a part of the army He is raising up.

Please join us: 8409, Regent Parkway, Fort Mill, SC 29615.

-Pastor Ron Lambright