Our Prayer For You In 2019
If you want you can pray this prayer of agreement with us everyday. Matthew 18:19.
Everyone of these things are promised to us in The Word of God:
“Father we thank you for your love, grace and mercy in our lives.
Thank you for the forgiveness of our sins and for eternal life.
Thank you that a hedge of protection is around us.
Thank you that we are covered with the blood of Jesus.
Thank you that Waring angels surround us night and day to protect us and keep us from harm.
Thank you that you are our healer, provider, strength, peace and all that we could ever ask for.
Thank you that every one in our family will be saved and not a one will be lost.
Thank you that you have promised that you will work all things for our good.
Thank you we have favor everywhere we go.
Thank you that no sickness will come upon us.
Thank you that you have not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
Thank you that no weapon formed against us will prosper.
Thank you that we can come boldly to you when we need help.
Thank you that you will never leave us or forsake us.
Thank you for causing us to be a blessing to others everyday.
In Jesus Name we pray. Amen”
Pastors Ron and Phyllis Lambright